Friday, December 5, 2008

Snow Flakes, Visual Tutorial

Oh I just love a good visual tutorial! I made these snow flakes in about an hour, watching and making as the video played. I have to give credit to Joan over at Lets Go Yarning for posting the you tube link and of course to the creator of the learning video on you tube. It doesn't stop there though, she has many more, so it's worth viewing the link. I have just supplied 3 of her, you tube video's here, for the 3 snow flakes I made. I used the glow in the dark yarn that was sent to me from my US friend Linda. I have not blocked them as yet, I was just too excited about them and had to share them here with you all! I love the centre one, but I have run out of the white glow in the dark yarn, boo hoo. Oh the only thing I did different was at the end of each snow flake, I chained 10 then slip st back into the beginning of the ch 10, to make a hanger for them.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas has come early with 5 little puppies

I've posted about my puppy breeding once before in this blog post. Last night another litter was born before the stroke of midnight on my daughter Cristy's birthday. I assisted my dog with the first born, then she was away on her own, she is a very good mother to her pups and goes straight into action on each birth cleaning and chewing off the cord of each pups arrival. It's truly amazing to see.
This is the first born.

In no time after the first born, there were 2 more.
Upon checking her tummy I still felt movement with in her, so I knew there was to be another. Here she is in action cleaning and chewing away the cord.

After the 4 were born and the long night, I did not expect any more and went off to bed, that was about 3.00 am. I was awoken before 7.00 am by hubby, who had to tell me there were now 5! Yes 5 puppies in all. You an see the 5th one in the centre of the picture below. He is a runt and not coping as well as the other 4, you can see his fur is wet, as his mother keeps urging him on and he is improving.

They are maltese cross and are lovely mannered pets.

Christmas Stocking and Foil Decoration

This is the finished result of the easy xmas item. If you can make a granny, you don't need a pattern to do this, just make enough squares to join them together in the shape of a boot.

I used the Tunisian joining method to join the squares. It is a very fast joining method.

And this is the end result of crocheting with the foil curling ribbon. It will be put up along with all of my other xmas decorations once I get them out and decorate for xmas.