Saturday, September 12, 2009

Finally Something To Show You All!

Remember in a previous blog post I asked you to guess what I was making? Well here it is. It's a cappuccino hat with saucer and choc chip cookies on the side.
This is the first picture I revealed for you to have a guess at what I was making. I made a basic beanie in a dc and added white fluffly yarn around the edges for the milk froth.

I completed a saucer, by making 2 pieces the same and sewed them onto a round piece of cardboard I cut to shape, then I added the rim you find on the under neath of a saucer, by crocheting over the top of the sc's in the saucer.

I used some pipe cleaners, twisted them together and made a sc cover to sew around the pipe cleaners for the handle.
Another view of the components I used.
So here is the hat and saucer seperate.

This is about where it will be sewed together.

Now it is sewed together.

Now the handle is attached with some choc chip cookies to go with your cuppa. Hope you have enjoyed this original and unique hat. I have made it especially for my step daughter who works part time in a coffee shop, the one who loves and wears all of my crazy hats.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Please Forgive Me

Please forgive me for staying away, I'm not blogging or reading blogs, I'm just off it for a while, the crochet project I am working on is taking me for ever as I am barely crocheting. Out of sorts I am.

I thought I should let my blogger friends know and share this picture of little Rev, he has eaten the left over spaghetti bolognaise and it has stained his face, too cute not to share.

Hope-fully I'll get back into the swing of things soon and begin talking to you all.

Cheers Cat.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bargain Found In Country Town

The closest place to me with a small supermarket is about 20km's away which is about a 10 min trip. It's an old out of the way little country town. I dare say their over heads would be minimal due to the age and distance of the shops. There are 2 second hand shops and a fantastic Antique and Craft shop that you would definately get lost in for a couple of hours!
It's a bit like a rabbit warren whilst you are navigating your your way around the delights the store has on offer, mmm.
Below are 3 items I picked up for a mere $1.00 at the second hand shop, the bag of 4 x 20gm cotton and the 2 very large heavy duty nylon that would be perfect for soles of the slippers I have been making, which are now worn down to a much thinner ply.

Oh and one more thing, here is a sneak look at the new project I am working on, you'll bever guess what it will be, but the components I need to complete the project are sitting right in the picture, LOL. Go on and have a guess.