Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blogger Award

I was recently invited to participate in a meme, but I did not do anything about it. Then I was sent an award which is a little similar to the meme, but a little easier and it is an award. That is more tempting, I've seen them around and wondered if I would ever receive an award and now I have. I received this award from Jolin Country, thank you for thinking of me Jolin. I know plenty of blogger friends who deserve an award, but I can only choose a few which I will list below.

The rules are that the recipient is to list six things that make him/her happy before subsequently passing forward the glee to others
1. My family, their good health and happiness.
2.Spending time with my family
3.To make a stranger feel welcome
4.Assisting a person in need
5.To be a good and honest person
6.Crocheting makes me happy and satisfied
Sherryknit, her health problems do not keep her down!
Joan, for her sheer perserverance in the learning of new crochet techniques.
Linda, who truly is a crochet fanatic.
Kobus, who brings us into her world of recycling
Laughing Purple, for ever the recycler and for sharing every thing new she discovers.
Can I add more? there are so many out there who deserve an award, which is like a bit of a pat on the back!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Waste Not Want Not?

From the sorting room of the Op Shop, this lot was seen as un useable. The majority of the bag contained short lengths of tapestry thread, but before it was to be tossed out as garbage it was rescued for me!

It looks a mess, does it not? See the black box to the left?

This is all fine cotton thread.
Now this is the inside and the contents of the black box.

They are some of the finest crochet hooks I've ever seen.

A very fine Afghan hook.

I am assuming that this is a winder for fine thread.

The bag also contained some unfinished patch work with many hexagon disc's, I know nothing about patchwork, so I'll save it for some one who knows about it and can use it.

You are probably wondering what I will be doing with all of those short lengths of yarn, well I'm just going to tie them together randomly and use my yarn winder to make crazy balls of yarn that I can then crochet with, what I'll make I am un sure of at this time.

Yarn Winder To The Rescue

I want to use this yarn for a new project, the problem is, that it is a 2 stranded yarn and the beginning and the end of the ball was joined together. A right mess. So I thought, why not give my new yarn winder a try out and make the balls of yarn into friendly user balls of yarn!
There we go! Mission acclompished!
Now I can see the beginning and the end of the ball, and I can also begin using the centre strand of yarn which is my preferred preference.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Snow Flakes, Visual Tutorial

Oh I just love a good visual tutorial! I made these snow flakes in about an hour, watching and making as the video played. I have to give credit to Joan over at Lets Go Yarning for posting the you tube link and of course to the creator of the learning video on you tube. It doesn't stop there though, she has many more, so it's worth viewing the link. I have just supplied 3 of her, you tube video's here, for the 3 snow flakes I made. I used the glow in the dark yarn that was sent to me from my US friend Linda. I have not blocked them as yet, I was just too excited about them and had to share them here with you all! I love the centre one, but I have run out of the white glow in the dark yarn, boo hoo. Oh the only thing I did different was at the end of each snow flake, I chained 10 then slip st back into the beginning of the ch 10, to make a hanger for them.