Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Tunisian Joining Method

Using the Tunisian joining method for crochet squares can certainly make a nice joint to be seen or a hidden join. It seems to be a bit faster and I joined 8 squares at a time with these squares. I think if I had a smaller Tunisian hook than the 4.00mm I have on hand, I would have opted for a smaller one. You can see more on the Tunisian joining method here, with the original learning link I used. Next time I will use a different colour for the joining method so as it can be seen much better, the photo's do not do it much justice.

This is the joining side.

This is the opposite side to the joining side.

This is the size 4.00mm Tunisian hook I used.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Quick Child's Poncho and Hat Set

First of all this is not one of my own patterns it came from this site. I would say it is a beginner to intermediate pattern. I was looking for something quick to make and this is quick.
At this stage I had used a 50 gm ball of yarn.

At this stage I had used another 50gm ball of yarn.

The completed set used just over 200gm's of yarn.

I think it looks very pretty in the pink shades I have used, it is actually from the same ball of yarn, it was a strand each of pink and white and about an 8 ply, the yarn was a bit of a pain to work with, but the end result makes up for that. I used a 6mm hook for the poncho, changed to a 5mm hook for the sleeve edging and a 4mm hook for the hat and flowers. I just made up the pattern for the flowers, but there is a flower pattern that comes with this pattern.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blogger Award

I was recently invited to participate in a meme, but I did not do anything about it. Then I was sent an award which is a little similar to the meme, but a little easier and it is an award. That is more tempting, I've seen them around and wondered if I would ever receive an award and now I have. I received this award from Jolin Country, thank you for thinking of me Jolin. I know plenty of blogger friends who deserve an award, but I can only choose a few which I will list below.

The rules are that the recipient is to list six things that make him/her happy before subsequently passing forward the glee to others
1. My family, their good health and happiness.
2.Spending time with my family
3.To make a stranger feel welcome
4.Assisting a person in need
5.To be a good and honest person
6.Crocheting makes me happy and satisfied
Sherryknit, her health problems do not keep her down!
Joan, for her sheer perserverance in the learning of new crochet techniques.
Linda, who truly is a crochet fanatic.
Kobus, who brings us into her world of recycling
Laughing Purple, for ever the recycler and for sharing every thing new she discovers.
Can I add more? there are so many out there who deserve an award, which is like a bit of a pat on the back!