
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Market Day

To market, to market
to sell something
rain again, rain again
jiggid'y jig.

All was well at 7.30 am.
Here is a view of my stall from the right.

And here is a view of my stall from the left. My youngest daughter is in the back ground, she actually got up early to halp me after she had a late night.

A close up of the left side of the stall.

A close up of the right side of the stall.

The rains came down and the brellies came up.

My second eldest daughter came along with 2 of my beautiful grandsons.

Not selling much at this point in time, can you see the puddle of water in the plastic?

My grandson Cooper loved the puddles.

I sold 3 beret type hats to an elderly lady, who would have bought more if I had more to suit her.

I sold a hat and neck warmer set, a few single scarves, a single neckwarmer and a few variety items from my bargain box.

I was in profit after I paid for the stall.

There was so much interest in what I was selling, that I couldn't resist booking a stall for the following week.

No body knew what the ice-cream cone or cup cakes were, they were clearly marked, but this is not some thing one see's alot of, here in Australia.

The neck warmers were a first time see for many, I can see that people need to be educated, we wore my product and I had display heads and a picture in a frame of the neck warmers, but people still seemed uaware of their purpose.

I know that I need to specify that what I was selling, was adult wear.

I was impressed with the males who liked the neckwarmer, but alas I did not cater for them.

I am back to the drawing board this week and I will focus on improving certain area's which may help with more sales next Sunday(Weather fore-cast is windy but dry). It was also a fun day, even though we got rained out. The market closed a half hour early and I had my stock covered for an hour previous to that. 3 of my daughters, 2 grandsons and my Husband turned up for support, so it was a wet family fun day.